Saathi24 understands with assurance that user of its website and app are all in the majority age groups and do not fall in the minority age groups. Saathi24 shall not be liable for any loss damages, defamation to the minor users.
That your access (service users and service provider professionals) and participation to Saathi24 website and app are in good faith, bearing ethical business approach and do not have any mala fide intentions.
Saathi24 trust that the user and services providers professional identity are genuine, neither misrepresentation of identity or deception of identity, nor impersonation.
All your personal data – name, email id, contact address, phone numbers ,IP address, etc. are secured at our end. Saathi24 do not do trading of personal data of its website visitors nor app users. Similarly Saathi24 do not trade with the personal data and technical data of service provider professionals.
Saathi24 do not hold responsibilities of third parties interventions in the website or the app. Outside fishing, hackers in the process thereby causing damages to the service users are beyond the scope of our liability and responsibilities.
Third party links or endorsements are beyond the scope of liabilities of Saathi24.
The web server sends cookies in the process, this is beyond scope of responsibilities and liabilities of Saathi24.
The payment of services and government taxations pertaining to the financial transactions are ruled and covered by the existing financial regulations of the country.
Saathi24 does not control third party connectivity in respect of your availing services or accessing with third party services and content. Endorsements of services by third party , content, products are out of scope of liabilities and responsibilities of Saathi24.
You hereby acknowledge that the services from Saathi24 are acceptable to you. You also acknowledge that the services of Saathi24 through our associates, independent third party service providers.
The services from Saathi24, for users through mobile app or website is under the agreement that, we manage and make working schedule for doorstep home based services with independent third party service providers having agreement with Saathi24. Here third party service providers are responsible for the services they provide to you. Saathi24 is not liable for the loss/damages defamation caused to the service users through the service providers, in this regard the service providers are 100% responsible and liable. All spare parts ( semi finished/finished) used including the accessories, fittings, raw materials and finished products are the responsibilities/liabilities of the manufacturers and sellers. Saathi24 do not stand for any liabilities in this regard.
Saathi24 does not allow any person below 18 years of age to access our website or app. We trust that, our app and website user do not allow any one below the age of 18 years.
By creating a account with Saathi24, you have agreed to receive SMS/ whatsapp emails for business operations. The services availed by you is for your personal use and not commercial use at all.
Saathi24 does not discriminate the service users or the service providers based on race, religion, caste, national origin, disability, age, marital status, gender identity.
Saathi24 trust that you have agreed (service users) to the consideration amount payable for the services availed and conclusively agrees to make full payment.
Saathi24 do not compel, coerce or pressurize the service users (customers) to access its website or app, they are accessing the website/app by their own willingness with good intent.
Similarly Saathi24 do not compel, coerce or pressurize the service providers to our system of operations through website and app.
All your personal data
name, email id, contact address, phone numbers, IP address, etc. are secured at our end. We do not do trading of personal data of our website visitors nor app users. Similarly we do not trade with the personal data and technical data of service professionals.
We do not hold responsibilities of third parties interventions in the website or the app. Outside fishing, hackers in the process thereby causing damages to the service users are beyond the scope of our liability and responsibility.
Third party links or endorsements are beyond our scope of liabilities.
Refund and Cancellation
There is no refund system in the Saathi24 transactions. If at all a refund amount arises then that amount will get into the customers personal account, and will be adjusted in future services.
In the case of cancellation of orders, a 25 % cut (deduction) will be levied from the advance payment received.
The web server sends cookies in the process, this is beyond our scope of responsibilities and liabilities.
The payment of services and government taxations pertaining to the financial transactions are ruled and covered by the existing financial regulations of the country.